Participation in sports programs and athletics can have a lasting and meaningful effect on the lives of children and on the lives of adult participants. It is the goal of the Pinckney Hamburg Baseball Softball Association (PHBSA) to provide the highest quality of programs and environment to ensure that the experiences in our programs are positive ones. For this to happen, it takes a commitment of all parties involved, including the participants, spectators, parents, officials, and league representatives.
The following Code of Conduct has been established for each individual and the expectation is that while participating in whatever capacity, this code will be followed.
Coach – Any person whose primary role is to manage a team and provide guidance and encouragement to the players during the game.
Officials – Any person who is acting in the capacity of umpire.
Participants – Any person who is playing on a team that is participating in a PHBSA sponsored or supported league.
PHBSA – Pinckney Hamburg Baseball Softball Association
Spectator – Any person who is watching a PHBSA sponsored sporting event and is not an active participant in the actual playing of the game
I will be committed to and encourage good sportsmanship by practicing and demonstrating it.
I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, player, official, or spectator.
I will treat my coaches and fellow players with respect and in doing so I expect to be treated with respect.
I will remember that playing sports is about learning and having fun. I will play for the love of the game.
I will do my best to listen and learn from my coaches and the officials.
I will respect the decisions of the officials and accept their decisions.
I will always be modest in success and gracious in defeat.
I will play to the limit of my ability at all times.
I will respect the facilities where I play and remember that it is a privilege to use the facilities.
I will not engage in the use of profanity.
It is the parent’s responsibility to go over and explain these to your players!
I have read the Pinckney Hamburg Baseball Softball Association Sports Code of Conduct that relates to Participants and I agree to conduct myself in the manner as described above. In the event that I violate one or more of the above items, I understand that I could lose my privilege to play in one or more games depending on the infraction.
Spectators and Parents
I will be committed to and encourage good sportsmanship by practicing and demonstrating it.
I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach, player, official, or spectator.
I will not encourage my child, or any other person, to engage in verbal or physical threats that are aimed at any player, spectator, official, coach, or representative.
I will respect the decisions by the officials.
I will not engage in the use of profanity.
I will not attend any athletic event while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
I will support all participants and encourage and cheer for achievement regardless of which team the player is on.
I will maintain my composure at all times.
I will place the emotional and physical well being of the participant ahead of my desire for my team to win.
I will not approach my team manager or assistant coach immediately following a game to discuss my child’s playing time and or other concerns I may have. I will wait until the following day when the emotions of the game have settled and both I and the coach are in a different mindset.
I will help to create a positive experience by being a respectable fan and assisting with the team when necessary.
I will do my best to get my child to practices and games on time. For practices, I will get my child there no less than 5 minutes prior to start time. For games, I will get my child there at least 15 minutes prior to start time. If my child will be late, or miss a practice or game, I will give my coach as much advanced notice as possible so that they can plan accordingly.
If I bring a friend or family member with me to a game, I will ensure that they are aware of the PHBSA Code of Conduct, and what behavior is expected of them.
I have read the Pinckney Hamburg Baseball Softball Association Sports Code of Conduct that relates to Spectators and Parents and I agree to conduct myself in the manner as described above.
I will always demonstrate high ideals, standards, and good sportsmanship.
I will always remember that it is my responsibility to teach my players about the game, help them enhance their skills, and develop a love for the game.
I am responsible for the attitude and actions of my players and my spectators.
I will never verbally disparage a player from any team, an official, spectator, or another coach.
I will be committed to and encourage good sportsmanship by practicing and demonstrating it.
I will respect the decisions by the officials and accept their decisions.
I will work to read and understand the rules and to make sure they are followed appropriately in every situation.
I will not engage in the use of profanity.
I will not attend any athletic event while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
I will support all participants and encourage and cheer for achievement regardless of which team the player is on.
I will maintain self control at all times and accept adverse decisions without public display of emotion or a public display of dissatisfaction with the officials.
I will place the emotional and physical well being of the participant ahead of my desire to win.
I will do my very best to keep the game fun and enjoyable for all participants both at practice and during games.
I will be committed to challenging all players to strive for their highest level of play while recognizing that there is a wide range of developmental and skill levels in participants.
I will do my best to distribute playing time across all of the players on my team in an equal fashion, taking into account each of their abilities.
I have read the Pinckney Hamburg Baseball Softball Association Sports Code of Conduct that relates to Coaches and I agree to conduct myself in the manner as described above. In the event that I violate one or more of the above items, I understand that I could lose my privilege to coach in one or more games depending on the infraction. The PHBSA Board believes there are no excuses for violating any of the above items. Keep these in mind as you perform your duties as a coach.
I will be knowledgeable of the rules.
I will be fair in administering the rules.
I will report to the field ready to officiate on time and dressed in the proper uniform.
I will be impartial and fair - yet firm.
I will not comment upon play or game situations unless it is in regards to the interpretation of a rule or ruling.
I will not engage in the use of profanity.
I will not attend any athletic event while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
I will always demonstrate high ideals, standards, and good sportsmanship.
I have read the Pinckney Hamburg Baseball Softball Association Sports Code of Conduct that relates to Officials and I agree to conduct myself in the manner as described above.
Corrective Actions for Violating the Code of Conduct
It is the hope of PHBSA that everyone participating in our programs can abide by the Code of Conduct and therefore create a positive environment and experience for everyone. PHBSA may enforce penalties within the league on a case-by-case basis when necessary. When such enforcement occurs, individuals, or parents of individuals, may appeal the penalty by following the Appeals Process listed below in Section C.
The following is a guideline used to determine the proper penalty and includes the appeals process for PHBSA.
A. Suspended/Ejected Player/Coach
The umpire may eject a player/coach from a current game.
An ejected player/coach may not remain in the field area. They will be required to leave the field area before the game will continue. Failure to leave the field area within 2 minutes will cause his/her team to forfeit.
If a violation of the Code of Conduct occurs after a game, but prior to a player/coach leaving the field, the player/coach can be suspended from the next scheduled game by the league commissioner or a committee made up of three PHBSA Board members.
B. Length of Suspension
Players/coaches ejected from a game will automatically be suspended from the next scheduled game.
The league commissioner shall be responsible for suspending players for more than one game.
Ejection from a game is NOT REQUIRED for additional punishment or suspension. Any actions that are contrary to the PHBSA Code of Conduct can be reviewed and addressed by the PHBSA Board of Directors.
The PHBSA Board of Directors shall be responsible for suspending players/coaches/spectators from further league events.
Players removed from further league play cannot be replaced on any roster at any level.
The severity of the infraction will determine the penalty and maximum penalties may involve more than one season.
Each Code of Conduct incident will be reviewed by the league commissioner and/or a committee made up of three PHBSA Board members and the team manager will be informed of the decision within a reasonable length of time.
C. Appeals Process for PHBSA
If a participant, spectator, or coach wishes to appeal any decision of suspension or sanction, they must contact the League commissioner within 48 hours of the incident with a request for appeal.
The participant will have the opportunity to make an appeal to a committee made up of three PHBSA Board members within 72 hours of the initial request for an appeal.
A decision on the appeal will be made within 24 hours of the formal appeal.